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Prison Chant :: Marilyn Buck

Prison Chant  Marilyn Buck Cassandra is on the phone her screams bounce off walls staccato chant           Jesusfathergod           Jesusfathergod           Maurice listen to me           Stop listen to me           listen           listen           you must be responsible           I’m not there           take care of your sister           …

Thirteen Springs :: Marilyn Buck

Thirteen Springs Marilyn Buck had you planted a tree to fill in the deep well of my absence that tree would be thirteen springs high high enough to relieve the relentless sun of incarceration strong enough to bear the weight of children who might have been born had I not …

Wild Poppies CD

Wild Poppies This CD is a poetry jam in space — created across and despite razor wire, prison bars and censored phone lines. It is a gathering of poets to celebrate the work of sister poet Marilyn Buck, who has spent more than 20 years in US prisons for her …

Activist-Author Gabriel Kuhn Barred from u.s.a.

The following from author Gabriel Kuhn, via his PM Press page: Sometimes you experience the ultimate anti-climax. With three PM Press books released these months, I had been planning for about a year to come for an extended speaking tour to North America this spring. A couple of months ago, …

Introduction: The Military Strategy of Women and Children

The words that follow should be understood not as newly found ideas but as geological strata underneath our feet. Almost twenty years ago i began an exploration to answer one question – how can women make revolutionary change? These first few essays/chapters represent ideas that radical women as a whole were trying …

Artwork from It’s All Lies

Artwork fromIt’s All Lies: Leaflets, Underground Press and PostersThe Fusion of Resistance and Creativity in Israel What follows are five examples of the artwork contained in this incredible 93-page folio volume of radical artwork and agit-prop from israel. Material in the book includes the original Hebrew and English translations. It’s …

“Boycott Tradition – Make Every Day a Holiday”

“Boycott Tradition – Make Every Day a Holiday” The Upper-Galilee Anarchist League Leaflet, mid-90s   BOYCOTT TRADITION MAKE EVERY DAY A HOLIDAY. Lucky is he, who never was castigated for not taking part in the vulgar Friday night nightlife, be it in dirty city clubs or shabby pubs on Kibbutz. …