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How the Zionists Use Hamas As A Tool of Provocation

How the Zionists Use Hamas As A Tool of Provocation from The Internationalist April 19 2002 publication  of “The Internationalist Group” (a split from the Spartacist League)   From its beginnings over a century ago, the object of the Zionist movement has been to create an ethnically and religiously exclusive …

Theses on Globalisation and the Palestinian Resistance

Theses on Globalisation and the Palestinian Resistance Nassar Ibrahim and Dr. Majed Nassar 1.1 There can be little doubt that the anti-globalisation movement has been garnering increasing public support over the last decade. This support has often erupted publicly and very explosively, most famously in Seattle in 1999 but also …

Palestinian Political Prisoners 

Palestinian Political Prisoners  July 2003 “It would be better to drown these prisoners in the Dead Sea if possible, since that’s the lowest point in the world.” – Avigdor Lieberman , Israeli Transport Minister [1] Frequently Asked Questions: 1.   How many Palestinian prisoners are there? As of July 8, 2003, …

Palestine – End the Occupation!

Behind the twenty-first century Intifada from Aufheben #10, September 2001 Introduction As we go to press, the USA is making a serious effort to salvage the Oslo ‘peace process’, as a central part of their strategy to mobilize and impose a unity on the world bourgeoisie behind ‘the war on …

Kuwasi Balagoon: Your Honor

your honor since i’ve been convicted of murder and have taken time to digest just what that means after noting what it means to my family and how it affects people who read the newspapers and all i see now that i’ve made a terrible mistake! and didn’t approach this …

Kuwasi Balagoon 1946-1986

Kuwasi Balagoon New Afrikan Anarchist Revolutionary December 22, 1946 – December 13, 1986 available from “Without freedom, there isn’t any big deal in living since to accept fascism is to forfeit life.” Kuwasi Balagoon was a defendant in the Panther 21 case in the late sixties, and a member of the …