NYC-ABC PP/POW updates Apr. 6, 2021

NOTE: If you currently send the updates to Chip Fitzgerald, please stop. After 51 years in prison, and directly resulting from medical neglect by the state, Chip recently died in Prison. RIP, Chip. Our statement regarding Chip’s death can be found in the updates as well. If you send the …

FINAL Prison Covid Newsletter (vol 2, no 5), April 2021

The Prison Covid-19 Information Project provides COVID-19 news and resources for prisoners and their families and loved ones on the outside. Their April newsletter will be their final edition. It is available here. A statement from the editor: “New COVID-19 infections in prisons have dropped in recent months, from their …

spring comes (poem by Kuwasi Balagoon)

spring comes and mail trickles in and trickles out as if written in blood winter’s talk hangs unresolved and useless as smoke and well-­reasoned routines are questioned with a runaway mind that doesn’t stop to sleep and has come to expect the bare minimum for the sake of an argument …

The Dangerous Class by J. Sakai: Original Flipbook Print Run Sold Out

We are happy to say that the original print run of J. Sakai’s The Dangerous Class and Revolutionary Theory: thoughts on the making of the lumpen/proletariat has sold out. Originally published in 2017, this book provided a unique examination of the concept of the lumpen/proletariat in Marxist thought, combined with a …

Spring is Sprung: April Book Sale at

It’s another month, and another season, with snow melting (though also falling, as i type this), and as always, lots of possibilities of what the next season may bring. We put new books on sale every month, for the month — no particular theme, so no matter what you’re interested …

Mending The World As Jewish Anarchists: Book Launch & Discussion April 29

Event by Independent Jewish Voices Canada Online: Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 7 PM EDT Price: Free Facebook Event: To order the book: Join Independent Jewish Voices Canada for the launch of the brand-new anthology of contemporary Jewish anarchist writing, “There is Nothing So Whole As a Broken Heart: …

NYC-ABC PP/POW updates Mar. 23, 2021

Here’s the latest compilation of every other week updates: NYC ABC, along with several other individuals and prisoner support crews, now send hard copies to all political prisoners and prisoners of war we support. If you consistently mail the latest updates to a specific prisoner, please let us know …

Fanzine sobre vacunas contra COVID 19 // Zine about COVID 19 vaccines

Queridxs compas, Ante los temores que existen respecto a las vacunas contra COVID 19, las dudas y preguntas múltiples, desde la Escuela de Salud Comunitaria Alina Sánchez, preparamos como esfuerzo colectivo este fanzine para hacer más accesible información concreta y actualizada con la esperanza de ayudar a nuestrxs compas y …

NEW EDITION of False Nationalism, False Internationalism: Class Contradictions in the Armed Struggle is now available for pre-order!

THIS BOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER, IT IS EXPECTED TO SHIP IN LATE MARCH This study is a radically different investigation into one of the most critical–and least understood–zones of revolutionary work: the struggle for solidarity between the left in an oppressor nation and rebellions against that nation from …