COVID-19 5 Demandes pour les prisons fédérales

COVID-19 Mesures impĂ©ratives pour les prisons fĂ©dĂ©rales LIBÉRONS IMMÉDIATEMENT TOUS LES PRISONNIERS VULNÉRABLES : Toute personne de plus de 50 ans, immunodĂ©primĂ©e, enceinte, malade ou prĂ©sentant une condition prĂ©existante qui la rend Ă  haut risque de mourir de la COVID-19. LIBÉRONS TOUS LES PRISONNIERS, en commençant par ceux qui se …

March 31-April 1 COVID News

The following COVID-19 resources may be useful to many of you; if you know of similar resources not on this list, send me an email and let me know. i will be sending out regular newsletters updating this list and containing links to new information and perspectives that i find …

From Burnside to Laval: Solidarity!

This message is from the Burnside prison strikers to the Laval hunger strikers. For more information about the situation at Laval, where migrant prisoners have been on hunger strike for over a week now, see the Solidarity Across Borders website. Solidarity! Prisoners and former prisoners of Burnside and our fellow …

March 30 COVID News

The following COVID-19 resources may be useful to many of you; if you know of similar resources not on this list, send me an email and let me know. i will be sending out regular newsletters updating this list and containing links to new information and perspectives that i find …

March 29 COVID News

The following COVID-19 resources may be useful to many of you; if you know of similar resources not on this list, send me an email and let me know. i will be sending out regular newsletters updating this list and containing links to new information and perspectives that i find …

March 28 COVID News

The following COVID-19 resources may be useful to many of you; if you know of similar resources not on this list, send me an email and let me know. i will be sending out regular newsletters updating this list and containing links to new information and perspectives that i find …

COVID-19 March 26, 2020

The following COVID-19 resources may be useful to many of you; if you know of similar resources not on this list, send me an email and let me know. i will be sending out regular newsletters updating this list and containing links to new information and perspectives that i find …

COVID-19 Comic

This wonderful comic was made by a friend who said she didn’t need to be named as the artist (! — if you change your mind, just let me know) i also kind of mangled it turning it into a zine which can be printed and folded saddle-stitched; but personally …

COVID-19 Resources

What a lot has changed in just a couple of weeks. Plans have changed, lives have changed. We’d best gear up quickly, the dress rehearsal is over. Hic Rhodus, Hic Salta, indeed. The following COVID-19 resources may be useful to many of you; if you know of similar resources not …