Tom Manning—Words of Remembrance, by Jaan Laaman

Class war prisoner, Freedom fighter, Man of the People, long held political prisoner, Thomas William Manning, died on July 30, of a heart issue at the federal penitentiary in Hazelton, Kentucky. Tom—Tommy to his many comrades, family, friends, people that knew him, was a life long Revolutionary Freedom Fighter. From …

Sept. 7th: 2nd Annual Halifax Anarchist Bookfair

We are living in a world where ecological collapse is imminent, and fascist forces militarize borders, destroy land and livelihoods; a world where basic freedoms are a further and further reality for most people, a world where prisons still incarcerate our loved ones. In this spirit of rebellion, we invite …

WOMEN WORKERS (Red Brigades, February 1978)

Women from all sections of the proletariat occupy an inferior, subordinate, and worse paid position in relation to men. Moreover they suffer from the serfdom of domestic labor. Women’s labor, including that performed in the home, is therefore antagonistic to capitalist society. The awakening of women’s struggles and the implicit …


In the transition from armed peace to war, the revolution/counter-­revolution confrontation grows increasingly direct and generalized, but there is not, as some claim, a transformation of the democratic state into a fascist state. Instead we find ourselves confronted by a state which through restructuring has experienced a modification in the …

Philippines ships 69 containers of dumped rubbish back to Canada (repost)

A cargo ship carrying tonnes of rubbish dumped in the Philippines by Canada more than five years ago, causing a festering diplomatic row, has left the Southeast Asian country, as nations in the region increasingly reject serving as dumpsites for wealthier states. Read the rest of this post on the …