Certain Days 2020 Calendar: Knitting Together the Struggles

AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER FROM LEFTWINGBOOKS.NET! Now in its 19th year of publication, the Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar is required reading for radicals, leftists, and all who support political prisoners and advocate the end of mass incarceration, with proceeds going to support prisoners and grassroots organizations. Each calendar has 12 thought-provoking essays …

Anti-Fascism Against Machismo: Gender, Politics and the Struggle Against Fascism

Antifascism Against Machismo is one of the strongest antifascist political interventions to address the intersection of patriarchal politics with both the far right and trends within the antifascist movement itself, from a firm historically informed theoretical basis in militant anarchism. Sections address the political misogyny of the contemporary far right (including …

Tom Manning—Words of Remembrance, by Jaan Laaman

Class war prisoner, Freedom fighter, Man of the People, long held political prisoner, Thomas William Manning, died on July 30, of a heart issue at the federal penitentiary in Hazelton, Kentucky. Tom—Tommy to his many comrades, family, friends, people that knew him, was a life long Revolutionary Freedom Fighter. From …

Sept. 7th: 2nd Annual Halifax Anarchist Bookfair

We are living in a world where ecological collapse is imminent, and fascist forces militarize borders, destroy land and livelihoods; a world where basic freedoms are a further and further reality for most people, a world where prisons still incarcerate our loved ones. In this spirit of rebellion, we invite …