Aujourd’hui ! « ComitĂ© d’accueil » montrĂ©alais pour Marine Le Pen | Today! Marine Le Pen “Welcoming Committee”

« ComitĂ© d’accueil » montrĂ©alais pour Marine Le Pen LUNDI 21 MARS, 20 h MontrĂ©al Marriott Château Champlain HĂ´tel 1050 de la Gauchetière Ouest (près Peel et Place du Canada) prĂ©s mĂ©tro Bonaventure ou mĂ©tro Peel facebook: carte: Marine Le Pen Montreal “Welcoming Committee” MONDAY, MARCH 21, 8pm …

Texas Prisoners’ Plan Work Strike, April 4th

Prisoners in Texas are planning a work strike, to commence this April 4th. Their top five demands are: Meaningful Work Time – Applied retroactively, when our Flat Time and accrued Good/Work Time equals 100% we should be ENTITLED to Mandatory Supervision I Parole. We want a “Presumptive Parole System” which …

Communists and armed struggle – Greece and Yugoslavia (repost)

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! no. 91 November/December 1989 During World War II, Yugoslav and Greek communists conducted an armed struggle against the Nazi occupiers. Read the rest of this post on the original site at Communists and armed struggle – Greece and Yugoslavia

The Curious Islamophobic Politics of Dem Congressmember Tulsi Gabbard (repost)

“Meet the Democrat Who’s Not Afraid to Criticize President Obama on ISIS,” intones a recent ABC News headline. The story describes remarks by Hawaii Rep. Read the rest of this post on the original site at The Curious Islamophobic Politics of Dem Congressmember Tulsi Gabbard

Cops are Gangsters

Intro: There are millions of oppressed people inside the borders of the u.s., but I’m not one of them. I come from a privileged background. I’m not the main victim of the police. Nor am I a leader in the growing struggle against police violence. Recognizing how far I am …