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K. Kersplebedeb

Free Inside: The Life and Work of Peter Collins

A combination of comics, political cartoons, illustrations, paintings, and essays on the Canadian prison system, ‘Free Inside: The Life and Work of Peter Collins’ is 184 full-colour pages of work from prisoner and activist Peter Collins, and those who knew him best. from the back of the book: Peter Collins …

The Antifa Comic Book: 100 Years of Fascism and Antifa Movements

The shocking images of neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville, Virginia, in the summer of 2017 linger, but so do those of the passionate anti-fascist protestors who risked their lives to do the right thing. In this stirring graphic non-fiction book by the author of The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book, Gord …

Anti-Imperialist Comeback: An Interview with Torkil Lauesen

This is the English version of an interview with Torkil Lauesen that Gabriel Kuhn conducted for the German daily junge Welt. Torkil Lauesen is a Danish antiimperialist whose book The Global Perspective: Reflections on Imperialism and Resistance has recently been published by Kersplebedeb. In 1991, Lauesen was sentenced to ten years in prison …

Montreal, Friday June 22: Demonstration Against Persecution of Migrants in united states

FAMILIES BELONG TOGETHER-LES FAMILLES RESTENT ENSEMBLE! Friday June 22 at 3 PM – 7 PM facebook: U.S. Consulate General MontrĂ©al 1155, rue St-Alexandre, Montreal, Quebec H3B 3Z1 **VERSION FRANÇAISE PLUS BAS** ***ENGLISH VERSION BELOW*** Toda la comunidad latina y demás comunidades provenientes de la inmigraciĂłn se harán presentes para pronunciarse …

Urgent Action Alert: Details of Serious Abuse of Kevin Rashid Johnson

URGENT CALL ALERT Prisoner Name: Kevin “Rashid” Johnson #158039 Florida Department of Corrections – Santa Rosa Correctional Institution DETAILS OF SERIOUS ABUSE OF KEVIN RASHID JOHNSON Speaking up against brutalizing a mentally ill prisoner On May 21, 2018, Kevin Johnson was retaliated against for speaking up on behalf of a …

Mass demonstration against the G7 and to open the borders!

Down with capitalist exploitation, colonialism, and racist and sexist politics! The heads of state of the seven most powerful imperialist and colonialist countries will gather on June 8th and 9th as part of the G7 Summit that will take place at the Manoir Richeliue in Malbaie. It’s a special occasion …