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The Worker Elite: Notes on the “Labor Aristocracy”

Revolutionaries often say that the working class holds the key to overthrowing capitalism. But “working class” is a very broad category—so broad that it can be used to justify a whole range of political agendas. The Worker Elite: Notes on the “Labor Aristocracy” breaks it all down, criticizing opportunists who …

Transferred, Beaten and Abused: The Ongoing Persecution of Kevin “Rashid” Johnson by the u.s. Penal State

The following is from a letter just received from Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party Prison Chapter. As previously reported here, Rashid was recently transferred from Oregon to Texas, likely in retaliation for his ongoing work reporting on and challenging abuses by the prisoncrats. As can …

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson Transferred From Oregon to Texas

Prison intellectual and radical critic Kevin “Rashid” Johnson has been transferred again. Rashid had been held in Oregon’s Orwellian Snake River Correctional Unit – an unvarnished behavior modification programme – since last 2012. In Oregon he had written a series of articles exposing the racism, medical neglect, and psychological abuse …

On the Backs of Mexicanos

It is a fact that never in the history of this country’s parasitical existence has it every fully supported itself. Just as the settler economy of the east was erected on the backs of African and indigenous slaves, so too was the economy of the west erected on the blood …

Talking Nonsense Solves No Problems: Reply to an Open Response Letter Allegedly Written by the Amazons-August Collective and NAPLA to the New Afrikan Black Panther Party

I recently received an “open letter” purporting to be from the Amazons-August 3rd Collective (AA3) and New Afrikan Peoples Liberation Army (NAPLA), which claims to respond to an article I wrote elaborating the New Afrikan Black Panther Party-Prison Chapter’s (NABPP-PC) line on New Afrikan Liberation. ((My article “Black Liberation in …

To Be Like…

To be a lapdog of u.s. imperialism you have to be like mindless soldiers who voluntarily sign up to oppress other poor people. You have to be a mindless entertainer – while on BET you floss a street swag in an attempt to fool the youth into believing you are …