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Surplus Absorption, Realization Crisis, and Imperialism (David Gilbert, November 2015)

David Gilbert wrote the following text in 2015, examining the the ways in which capitalism is confronted by, and contends with, crises in surplus absorption and realization, in the imperialist age. David was not entirely satisfied with this text in the end, however here at Kersplebedeb i thought it actually was pretty …

Cops are Gangsters

Intro: There are millions of oppressed people inside the borders of the u.s., but I’m not one of them. I come from a privileged background. I’m not the main victim of the police. Nor am I a leader in the growing struggle against police violence. Recognizing how far I am …

Jailbreak Out of History, Second Edition

In Jailbreak Out of History, revolutionary Amazon theorist Butch Lee shows how the anticolonial struggles of New Afrikan/Black women were central to the unfolding of 19th century amerika, both during and “after” slavery. The book’s title essay, “The Re-Biography of Harriet Tubman”, recounts the life and politics of Harriet Tubman, …

The Prevention of Our Breathing and Catching Our Second Wind, by Sanyika Shakur

We Can’t Breathe without control of our destiny! We Can’t Breathe under neo-colonialism! We Can’t Breathe with capitalism’s hands around our throats! We Can’t Breathe under bourgeois democracy! We Can’t Breathe under genocidal violence! We Can’t Breathe under imperialism! The Can’t Breathe in overcrowded u.s. prisons! We Can’t Breathe under …

On Ferguson (by Sanyika Shakur)

As long as We beg, hat in hand, the enemy culture to indict one of their own (for a job well done) in the killing of one or ten of our nationals, We will continue to be disappointed, dismayed, mystified, and confused. Why would they bow to our pressure of spontaneous …

Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat from Mayflower to Modern

  Settlers is a uniquely important book in the canon of the North American revolutionary left and anticolonial movements. First published in the 1980s by activists with decades of experience organizing in grassroots anticapitalist struggles against white supremacy, the book soon established itself as an essential reference point for revolutionary …

Notes on the Worker Elite

In the month since the publication of Bromma’s The Worker Elite: Notes on the “Labour Artistocracy”, the book has been met with a lot of interest, including several reviews which raise a number of questions related to the text that folks may be interested in. So here’s a roundup of …