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Women Need A World View

This is an Amazon training exercise. Because i come from political movements that failed at explaining the present or radaring the storms moving in from the future. (Let’s leave aside the point that previous movements of rebellion often claimed “victories” that were really defeats). We didn’t understand things as basic …

FOR WOMEN ONLY: After Anti-War movements win or lose in Iraq… there’s still Women

WOMEN’S WAR DAILY #1 [A paper critiquing the political assumptions of today’s Anti-War/anti-imperialist activism by J. Sakai – Beyond McAntiwar: notes on finding our footing in the collapsing stageset of u.s. empire – has been circulated in the current issue of the maoist zine 8th Route.  Below is an alternate viewpoint from …

Clyde Reviews Settlers: Mythology of the White Proletariat

Settlers offers a stinging critique of U.S. society and the supposed revolutionary potential of the white working class. Chapter after chapter Sakai takes apart U.S. history, examining the development of this settler empire and its white working class as it relates to oppressed peoples, especially Afrikans, Native nations, Mexicanos and …

The Religion of Capital by Paul Lafargue

What follows is the English translation of La Religion du Capital, a bitingly funny satire written by Paul Lafargue in 1887. The translation you see here was done by the Socialist Labor Party’s New York Labor News Company in 1918, and the interested reader should note that it was a …

The Continuing Appeal of Anti-Imperialism, by Kuwasi Balagoon

Great works measure up, inspire higher standards of intellectual and moral honesty, and, when appreciated for what they are, serve as a guide for those among us who intend a transformation of reality. “Settlers, the Mythology of the White Proletariat”, caused quite a stir in the anti-imperialist white left and …

Charles Sims Africa Reviews AIDS Conspiracy Theories

Charles Sims Africa Reviews AIDS Conspiracy Theories I received the pamphlet, AIDS Conspiracy? Tracking the Real Genocide! I think it was very good information, and the point (tracking the Real Genocide) can be applied in numerous other situations where brothers tend to get caught up in “conspiracy theories” as a …

Albert Nuh Washington Reviews AIDS Conspiracy Theories

Albert Nuh Washington Reviews AIDS Conspiracy Theories You Should Read This. AIDS Conspiracy? Tracking the Real Genocide by David Gilbert should be read by everyone who calls themselves revolutionary in particular and concerned people in general. This paper to the best of my knowledge is the first to address why …

‘When Race Burns Class’ reviewed by S. Rosedale in Antidote #1

This short booklet produced by Solidarity Publishing consists of an interview with J. Sakai, author of ‘Settlers, Mythology of the White Proletariat’, a groundbreaking book for the North American left in the 80s. Predictably, most of the left misread the point of the book completely, using it to justify the …

Comments on Confronting Fascism by Milton Takei

(Kersplebedeb Note: I received the following email from Mr Takei, who had just read the book Confronting Fascism that i co-published in the summer of 2002 (along with ARA Chicago and Arsenal magazine). I wrote back, suggesting that he may want to write a review for my site, and he …