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Torkil Lauesen Answers Bromma, on The Global Perspective

Dear Bromma Thanks for the review and comments. It is rewarding to receive reflective feedback on your work. I was hoping for this kind of discussion. The idea of my book is to present a holistic “stew” of history, political economy, politics, and strategy – “all from a certain political …

New Classes for a New Class Politics (Gabriel Kuhn)

I spent the past weekend writing a German review of the new Kersplebedeb edition of David Gilbert’s Looking at the U.S. White Working Class Historically, originally published in 1984. While the original piece mainly consisted of reviews of three relevant publications – Ted Allen’s pamphlet White Supremacy in the U.S./Slavery and the …

Escaping the Prism – Fade into Black, by Jalil Muntaqim: Book Review by Phyllis Taub Greenleaf

This book is a powerful tapestry of Scholarship, Activism and Poetry. The Personal with the Political gives this book balance and magnetism! During the time when key leaders of the Black Panther Party were assassinated by FBI operatives while asleep in their beds, Jalil Muntaqim, a new member of the …

Oppressor and Oppressed Nations: Sketching a Taxonomy of Imperialism (by Gabriel Kuhn)

Introduction In recent years, the left has shown a renewed interest in anti-imperialism. This is an encouraging development, since global economic injustice remains one of the most glaring contradictions of the capitalist order. After having been a central part of anti-capitalist struggles in the 1970s, anti-imperialism largely vanished from left …

Militant Tactics in Anti-Fascist Organizing–Interview Transcript (repost)

“I think some folks, many folks… try to divide the concept of a mass response with a militant response. That it’s only possible to do one or the other. I think we really want to challenge that. We think that what’s needed is both. And that’s not easy…but that’s our …