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Zines   While there are ten million zines out there dealing with “issues” ranging from one’s favourite band to what one did on summer break, you won’t find many of them here. I am specifically interested in political zines, preferably from a feminist, queer, or far-left point of view. While …

My enemy’s enemy

A collection of essays on globalization, fascism and the struggle against capitalism from an anti-racist and revolutionary left-wing perspective.

Part One: By Way of Introduction

Part One: By Way of Introduction Today, i started the fifth draft of this piece. My original intent had been to shape it for print, and for distribution among a wide (and rather academic) audience. However, i?ve abandoned that aim, for two reasons. First, because i?m anxious to complete this …

Hauling Up the Morning

Hauling Up The Morning /  Izando la manana writings and art by political prisoners and prisoners of war edited by Tim Blunk, Raymond Luc Levasseur and the editors of Javobin Books introduction by Assata Shakur, prefaratory note by William Kunstler Chapter 1: Hard Time Dalou Asahi – The Bangs in …

E-Zine Links

E-Zines This is one of the best e-zines i’ve come across so far: no nonsense revolutionary feminism. Do you have cooties? is a very nicely done source of social criticism and contradictions Noise Queen is from Kingston, Ontario, and deals with queer music (duh…)

Enemies of the State

Excerpts from Enemies of the State: Interviews with Marilyn Buck, David Gilbert & Laura Whitehorn (Resistance in Brooklyn, 1999)   This page has moved.Please click here if your browser does not redirect…  

Enemies of the State

Excerpts from Enemies of the State: Interviews with Marilyn Buck, David Gilbert & Laura Whitehorn (Resistance in Brooklyn, 1999)   Enemies: An Introduction, by Meg Starr, Resistance in Brooklyn (RnB) David Gilbert Marilyn Buck Enemies: An Introduction by Meg Starr, Resistance in Brooklyn (RnB) The government and mainstream media have …