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Sexism at the show: a feminist rocker speaks out

Sexism at the show: A feminist rocker speaks out by Patricia Barrera Off Our Backs,  Dec 2000 So your favorite rock band is in town and you’ve got tickets. How do you get ready for the show? What do you think might happen at the concert? Me, I’m thinking about …

Riot grrrls castrate “cock rock” in New York

Riot grrrls castrate “cock rock” in New York by Marisa Ragoneses Off Our Backs,  May/Jun 2002 On April 1st Riot Grrrl New York City protested K-Rock radio station in New York City for their sexist programming and their 99.12% male-dominated playlist. Our report was written by Marisa Ragonese, a self-described …

The Napsterization of Everything

The Napsterisation of Everything: a review of John Alderman, Sonic Boom: Napster, P2P and the battle for the future of music Fourth Estate, London 2001. Richard Barbrook “They just don’t get it.” During the dotcom boom of the late-1990s, this catch phrase was a popular way of dismissing anyone who …

Kersplebedeb Music Previews

You’ll need RealPlayer to listen to these tunes. If you don’t have it click on the icon and download it for free. Hoodrat from Fuck Corporate Punk Jeff the Mite Hate Edge from Hands off Street Youth split Theory into Practice Revenge of the Nerds Johnny Consumerist from Hands off …


KIDS ON T.V. Hustle! 1-  Breakdance Hunx 2-  The Company* 3-  We Are The New Keith Cole 4-   My Substance 5-  My Boy Is A Breakbeat Boy Kids on T.V. is John Caffery, Mike e.b. and Minus Smile. All trax written and mixed by Kids on T.V. except * by …