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Swift setwing on barbed wire by Vicki’s Nature

There were nine setwings in the yard on my sticks and along the back fenceline … in the late afternoon sun. Please help: Monteen McCord is a wildlife rehabber who needs your help. She takes in all the owls and hawks that are found injured by folks like you and …

050470 03 10C by nick dewolf photo archive

boston, may 1970 vietnam war protesters in the wake of the kent state shootings "pull out nixon … like your father should have!" an eyewitness account of the protest: originally titled "flag lovers", set features pictures of an anti-war demonstration in the boston common via Flickr

050470 24 08 by nick dewolf photo archive

boston, may 1970 vietnam war protesters at the foot of the state house in the wake of the kent state shootings an eyewitness account of the protest: originally titled "flag lovers", set features pictures of an anti-war demonstration in the boston common via Flickr