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Notes on the Worker Elite

In the month since the publication of Bromma’s The Worker Elite: Notes on the “Labour Artistocracy”, the book has been met with a lot of interest, including several reviews which raise a number of questions related to the text that folks may be interested in. So here’s a roundup of …

News and Analyses from BASICS Community News Service

BASICS is newspaper put out by some revolutionaries in Toronto, with a popular and working class orientation.  Would definitely say it’s worth checking out… material from the latest issue is going up online, here’s a list of some of the pieces: OPERATION ‘PROFUNC’: Canada’s Plans to Intern 16,000 Communists, 50,000 …

Report from Pittsburgh G20 Protests

Below, a report by an anarchist participant at the G20 protests in Pittsburgh (from Crimethinc): This is on-the-spot reporting just in from the first day of the G20 summit in Pittsburgh, which has seen a great deal of spirited resistance and confrontation—perhaps as much as has occurred at any anarchist …

Montreal Mazda dealership and Bell Canada vans attacked

The latest communique from Montreal’s East End – the original in english and french can be read on Infoshop here. Once again, if i see these on the net i’ll post them here, if they’re in french i’ll translate them, but please nobody send me one of these – i’m …