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quebec far right

Un groupe skinhead québécois cause une commotion en France (repost)

Un spectacle de musique et de combats illĂ©gaux mettant en vedette un groupe quĂ©bĂ©cois d’extrĂȘme droite vient de causer une commotion dans un village du sud-est de la France, oĂč le maire a interdit l’Ă©vĂ©nement. En vain. Read the rest of this post on the original site at Un groupe …

Fascist Praises Cops: “Our People Have Remained Healthy” (1992)

On July 6th 1991 several undercover police officers were assigned to arrest Kirt Haywood, a short Black man with dreadlocks. They mistook Marcellus François, a tall Black man with short hair, for Haywood and followed him around Montreal. Finally, they pulled over his car and approached him, guns drawn, without …

Fag-bashing in Quebec City, Boneheads Fingered

Not much to say, other than news reports on a young guy getting beaten up by four boneheads as he left a gay bar in Quebec City last Sunday night. Note of course that the police say they don’t really have a problem with the boneheads, as they’re “only” implicated …