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Indian author Arundhati Roy may face prosecution for 2010 speech on Kashmir The New Delhi government approves for the case to proceed before the courts for speech allegedly advocating the secession of Kashmir from India. [This article was originally published by Al Jazeera on October 10, 2023] Published On 10 …
Paul Redd (PR) [Reposted from SFBayView.com. Originally published July 16, 2021.] Interview with Paul Redd and Ruben Jitu Williams by Editor Nube Brown This is my interview with two incredible men who represent hundreds of others who have survived the torture of decades of solitary confinement and psychological abuse in …
About a year ago I reviewed Aaron Leonard and Conor Gallagher’s book, A Threat of the First Magnitude for Kersplebedeb. In my opinion the book’s detailed examination of two largely successful state repressive projects in the sixties and seventies, SOLO and FIRST MAGNITUDE, deserves serious attention. SOLO was a penetration of …
The recent book by Aaron Leonard and Conor Gallagher, “A Threat of the First Magnitude”, focuses on the FBI counterinsurgency operation against the Maoist sector of the left during the decade after 1968. The book provides important, impressively substantiated, insights into the development and application of state counterinsurgency theory and …
Intro: There are millions of oppressed people inside the borders of the u.s., but I’m not one of them. I come from a privileged background. I’m not the main victim of the police. Nor am I a leader in the growing struggle against police violence. Recognizing how far I am …
On November 30, 2004, a bomb buried under two bags of sand went off, shaking the foundations of a hydroelectric tower near the Quebec-US border. Two years later, a car bomb decimated an oil executive’s car outside of his home, northwest of Montreal. Read the rest of this article on …
Tuesday, October 21 at 6:00pm 1590 Dr. Penfield (Samuel Bronfman Building, Concordia University), corner CĂ´te-des-Neiges Police violence is everywhere. It is visible not just in police killings, but also in everyday practices of surveillance, profiling, harassment, and coercion. In all of this, racism and colonialism are close by – though not always …
From the mainstream St Louis Post-Dispatch, this struck me as usefully revealing: The Justice Department’s soft side: How one federal agency hopes to change Ferguson By David Hunn, October 12th, 2014 FERGUSON • The peacemakers arrived on a Sunday. It was a little more than a day after Michael Brown’s shooting. They …
Turning Money into Rebellion, recently released by PM Press and Kersplebedeb, has received much attention in Denmark. Telling “the unlikely story of Denmark’s revolutionary bank robbers”, the book focuses on the exploits of the so-called Blekingegade Group, a circle of antiimperialist Marxists responsible for a series of robberies stretching from …