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Letter from Seth (2003)

Revolutionary Greetings Everyone! I take this opportunity to address all of you in this fashion to save time and conserve material and energy for tomorrow’s fight.  In this missive I wish to notify you that I have “relinquished” my right to my appeal to the Division of Parole from my …

Racist “Anti-Imperialism”? Class, Colonialism and the Zapatistas

I started off wanting to like “A Commune In Chiapas?” (This major essay about the Zapatistas, written for the English “liberation communist” journal, Aufheben, is distributed as a pamphlet by Arm the Spirit/Solidarity, Canadian anti-imperialist publishers who represent u.s. political prisoners such as David Gilbert, Albert Nuh Washington and Jalil …

Exchange on “Thoughts” (Feb. 13/2000)

What follows is an email exchange on L.B.’s  Some Preliminary Thoughts on Modern Class Structure Hello again, LB. Sorry, got pulled away for a few. Had to wander around gaza eyeless for awhile, waiting for my eyeballs to adjust to my new eyeglass lens. Then there was backed-up mail, and …

Night-Vision Reviewed by bell hooks

The following interview with bell hookd about Butch Lee and Red Rover’s Night-Vision: Illuminating War and Class on the Neo-Colonial Terrain, first appeared in the Winter 1996 issue of the feminist magazine On The Issues. Tough Talks for Tough Time “The transformation to a neo-colonial world has only begun, but it …