Rassemblement et vigile En souvenir des victimes du massacre de la grande mosquée de Québec Dénonçons l’islamophobie et le racisme // Vigil and Gathering Remember the Victims of the Quebec City Mosque Massacre

*29 janvier 4 ans dĂ©jĂ !* *Rassemblement et vigile En souvenir des victimes du massacre de la grande mosquĂ©e de QuĂ©bec DĂ©nonçons l’islamophobie et le racisme VENDREDI 29 JANVIER, 17h Ă  18h Station de mĂ©tro Parc (au coin des rues Jean-Talon et Parc) – MONTRÉAL* /// *Vigil and Gathering Remember the …

“Insurgent Supremacists” and the evolution of Trumpism – Matthew N. Lyons

Originally published on the Three Way Fight blog on January 21, 2021. Introduction—An analysis for this moment I finished the manuscript of Insurgent Supremacists: The U.S. Far Right’s Challenge to State and Empire in September 2017, a few weeks following the murderous Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Now, …

Prison Covid Newsletter (vol 2, no 2), Jan. 2021

The Prison Covid-19 Information Project provides COVID-19 news and resources for prisoners and their families and loved ones on the outside. Their latest newsletter is here. They have also added a blog to their site, which is predominately updates from prisoners on the situation where they are held.

NYC-ABC PP/POW updates Jan. 12, 2021

NOTE: If you regularly send the updates to Rattler or Joseph Dibee, please stop. Rattler has been released to a halfway house; Joseph has been released to home arrest while he awaits trial. If you send the packets to Gage Holupowski, he has been moved: Gage Halupowski #21894460 Snake River …

Broken windows fascism (ThreeWayFight)

1. When Donald Trump was first running for president in 2015-16, a lot of alt-rightists supported him not because they thought he could win, but because they hoped he would help destroy the Republican Party. He hasn’t quite done that, but he has created a serious crisis within the party, …

2021 Is Here, So Is Our New Year’s Book Sale!

The New Year, of course, comes with a New Year’s Sale at leftwingbooks.net/sale A new calendar year always makes me aware of all the things that are unknown about the future, but 2021 even more so than most. One of the goals of this book project it to help facilitate the …

A Few New Titles to Start the New Year

Three new titles from PM Press just came in, which is a nice way to start the New Year! Ben Fletcher: The Life and Times of a Black Wobbly (Second Edition): In the early twentieth century, when many US unions disgracefully excluded black and Asian workers, the Industrial Workers of the …

Ecological Leninism: Friend or Foe? by Gabriel Kuhn

A joint review by Gabriel Kuhn of Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency: War Communism in the Twenty-First Century (Verso, 2020) and How to Blow up a Pipeline (Verso, 2021) by Andreas Malm, both of which are distributed by leftwingbooks.net. This review first appeared on Kuhn’s new website https://lefttwothree.org/   Andreas Malm first received wider recognition …

Prison Covid Newsletter (vol 2, no 1), Jan. 2021

The Prison Covid-19 Information Project provides COVID-19 news and resources for prisoners and their families and loved ones on the outside. Their latest newsletter is here.