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Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat from Mayflower to Modern

  Settlers is a uniquely important book in the canon of the North American revolutionary left and anticolonial movements. First published in the 1980s by activists with decades of experience organizing in grassroots anticapitalist struggles against white supremacy, the book soon established itself as an essential reference point for revolutionary …

Denmark reacts to Turning Money into Rebellion

Turning Money into Rebellion, recently released by PM Press and Kersplebedeb, has received much attention in Denmark. Telling “the unlikely story of Denmark’s revolutionary bank robbers”, the book focuses on the exploits of the so-called Blekingegade Group, a circle of antiimperialist Marxists responsible for a series of robberies stretching from …

Notes on the Worker Elite

In the month since the publication of Bromma’s The Worker Elite: Notes on the “Labour Artistocracy”, the book has been met with a lot of interest, including several reviews which raise a number of questions related to the text that folks may be interested in. So here’s a roundup of …

Craftsmen of World Revolution (by Klaus Viehmann)

What follows is the preface to the upcoming book edited by Gabriel Kuhn, Turning Money into Rebellion: The Unlikely Story of Denmark’s Revolutionary Bank Robbers, to be published by Kersplebedeb and PM Press later this summer. The book tells the story of the “Blekingegade Group” which had emerged from a communist …

“Ooh, momma,  those black cats are out back again”: A terse response to “get up for the down stroke”

The following text has been received from Chairman Shaka Zulu of the NABPP-PC: What is a correct land policy for the New Afrikan Black Panther Party (NABPP)? Sanyika Shakur raises this question in his critique of Comrade Rashid’s article, “Black Liberation in the 21st Century: A Revolutionary Reassessment of Black Nationalism.” …

MIM(Prisons): Reconciling Stalin with the Conditions of New Afrika Today

This review of Sanyika Shakur’s book Stand Up Struggle Forward is by Wiawimawo of MIM(Prisons). It is being reposted from While we recommended his fictional T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E., and his autobiographical Monster is a good read on the reality of life in a Los Angeles lumpen organization, Shakur’s third book is …

Countering Colonization (and other great books)

So University of California Press has just made 700 of its books available for online reading (to read on a tablet you have to copy paste into some other program and do some conversions). One of these titles, which i can’t recommend highly enough, is Carol Devens’s Countering Colonization: Native …