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Torture and Neo-Liberalism with Sycorax in Iraq

Chapter 39, Order 39 Torture and Neo-Liberalism with Sycorax in Iraq By PETER LINEBAUGH The new U.S. Attorney General, Alberto Gonzalez, disregarded torture in his infamous, post 9/11 memorandum to Bush: “In my judgment, this new paradigm [the ‘war on terrorism’] renders obsolete Geneva’s strict limitations on questioning of enemy …

Acrobatic :: Marilyn Buck

Acrobatic Marilyn Buck an acrobat I slice through the sky somersault swing toward hands they slip           disappear      free           i fall no net           i fall           caught by lime-scented dirt bones quake      sigh — articulate rebound piano wires      sing with my weight a moon jumper …

Bird Watchers :: Marilyn Buck

Bird Watchers Marilyn Buck Francine, elegant, headwrapped willowy firm on cinnamon legs leans toward Nancy frayed blonde rope of a woman bleached on the back of Harleys      and crystal meth two keen bird watchers they chat while feeding purloined delectables to plump Canadian geese contented vacationers once the geese …

Black August :: Marilyn Buck

Black August Marilyn Buck Would you hang on a cliff’s edge sword-sharp, slashing fingers while jackboot screws stomp heels on peeled-flesh bones and laugh      “let go! die, damn you, die!” could you hang on 20 years, 30 years? 20 years, 30 years and more brave Black brothers buried in …

Moon Bereft :: Marilyn Buck

Moon Bereft Marilyn Buck Beyond razor-wired walls the moon shimmers in the late summer sky spills over in pale brightness to draw me into its fullness washing my eyes in quicksilver Now, in a heavy-lidded cell moon-bereft nights leave me weeping tears well up in dry cratered wounds despair rises …

Prison Chant :: Marilyn Buck

Prison Chant  Marilyn Buck Cassandra is on the phone her screams bounce off walls staccato chant           Jesusfathergod           Jesusfathergod           Maurice listen to me           Stop listen to me           listen           listen           you must be responsible           I’m not there           take care of your sister           …

Wild Poppies CD

Wild Poppies This CD is a poetry jam in space — created across and despite razor wire, prison bars and censored phone lines. It is a gathering of poets to celebrate the work of sister poet Marilyn Buck, who has spent more than 20 years in US prisons for her …

Thirteen Springs :: Marilyn Buck

Thirteen Springs Marilyn Buck had you planted a tree to fill in the deep well of my absence that tree would be thirteen springs high high enough to relieve the relentless sun of incarceration strong enough to bear the weight of children who might have been born had I not …