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[Montréal] Pour les ArretéEs du 15 mars

Le message suivant s’adresse à celes et ceux qui ont été arretéEs il y a quelques semaines lors du manif de COBP à Montréal: Le 15 mars 2008, lors de la 12 journée internationale contre la brutalité policière, une quarantaine d’arrestations ont eu lieu. Le Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité …

[Montreal] For Those Arrested on March 15

The following notice has been put out, for those who were arrested in Montreal at the COBP demonstration a few weeks ago: On March 15, 2008, forty-seven people were arrested during the 12th International day against police brutality. The Collective opposed to police brutality is still currently trying to get …

Montreal Mazda dealership and Bell Canada vans attacked

The latest communique from Montreal’s East End – the original in english and french can be read on Infoshop here. Once again, if i see these on the net i’ll post them here, if they’re in french i’ll translate them, but please nobody send me one of these – i’m …

Racial Profiling in St-Michel: Cops Get Their Wrists Slapped

From today’s Gazette: $20,000 QUESTION ARE COPS TARGETING TEENS OF COLOUR?‘ We did not profile because of race,’ police sayIRWIN BLOCK THE GAZETTEOn a steamy August night in 2003, 13-yearold Jonas Cassey, his brother Henri, 16, and four teenage friends were sitting on a low metal fence and chatting. The …

Justice for Quilem Registre! Protest This Police Murder-By-Taser!

MARCH AGAINST POLICE BRUTALITY::::::::::WHEN: Saturday, December 15, 2007TIME: 11AMLOCATION: ST-MICHEL / D’HÉRELLE:::::::::: This past October 18, 2007, Quilem Registre died as a result of injuries suffered after a brutal arrest by police. Subjected to at least 6 Taser Gun shots, as well as the excessive brutality used by the police, …

Immigrant Workers Centre Statement On Racist Reasonable Accommodation Bullshit

Here is an excellent statement on the racist “reasonable accommodation” hearings in Quebec, from Montreal’s Immigrant Workers Centre: Whose Reasonable Accommodation ? The debate raised in Quebec on ‘reasonable accommodation’ is built on a number of false assumptions about the relationship between majority groups (‘we’) and minorities (‘they’) and what …