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Certain Days Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar 2017

The Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar is a joint fundraising and educational project between outside organizers in Montreal, Toronto, and New York, in partnership with three political prisoners being held in maximum-security prisons in New York State: David Gilbert, Robert Seth Hayes and Herman Bell. The Certain Days Calendar can be purchased …

2017 Slingshot Organizers at Kersplebedeb Leftwingbooks.NET

By far the most popular way for anarchists to stay organized, the Slingshot 2017 organizers are here, complete with mini-calendar, daybook planner, address book section, international radical contact list, and nifty what happened on this day notes scattered throughout. The artwork, as ever, is wonderful in a chaotic punk rock …

Le Sommet Noir (The Black Summit) — Hoodstock in Mtl

FACEBOOK: Saturday at 10 AM – 11 PM Parc Henri-Bourassa, Montreal Le Sommet Noir est la 3e Ă©dition de Hoodstock, un Ă©vĂ©nement visant Ă  mobiliser les forces des communautĂ©s culturelles avec des ateliers, des spectacles et des moments d’échange par, avec et pour les membres des communautĂ©s noires et racisĂ©es. …

Salon du livre Queer entre les couvertures// Queer Between the Covers Book Fair

FACEBOOK: Saturday August 13, 2016 11am to 6pm Centre communautaire de loisirs Sainte-Catherine d’Alexandrie 1700, Rue Amherst MĂ©tro Beaudry or Berri-UQĂ M This event is part of Pervers/citĂ©, a radical queer summer festival. Check out the full scheduling here: Salon du livre Queer entre les couvertures samedi le 13 aoĂ»t …

Alerte antifasciste! La Ligue de défense juive prévoit manifester à Montréal cette semaine // The racist JDL plans to protest this Wednesday

facebook: [Notre sĂ©curitĂ© lors de cet Ă©vĂ©nement est directement proportionnelle Ă  la prĂ©sence importante d’alliĂ©-es. SVP partagez dans vos rĂ©seaux!] [Our safety and security at this mobilization is directly linked to a large turnout of allies. Please share widely in your networks!] Alerte antifasciste! La Ligue de dĂ©fense juive (LDJ) …

Radical Bookfair at the World Social Forum in Montreal

(scroll down for english) Joignez-nous du 10 au 12 aoĂ»t pour le Salon du Livre Radical, lors du Forum Social Mondial Ă  MontrĂ©al! OĂ™: dans le foyer de salle Marie Gerin Lajoie, Pavillon J, UQAM (plusieurs entrĂ©es car UQAM c’est une labyrinthe! dont 315 et 405 rue Saint-Catherine Est, ou …

Prisoner Justice Day Punk Show (Montreal, August 7th)

(français suivra – la majoritĂ© de l’Ă©vĂ©nement va ĂŞtre en anglais) Prisoner Justice Day Punk Show Sunday, August 7th, 2016 Brasserie Beaubien 73 Beaubien Est (metro Beaubien) Doors at 8pm Starts promptly at 8:30pm Sliding scale $5-$10, no one turned away for lack of funds Featuring: the Termite Collective (not …

Toronto Anarchist Bookfair, July 23-24!

The Toronto Anarchist Bookfair is only 9 days away! Join us for a weekend full of anti-authoritarian activities, workshops, books, zines, food, friends, and great conversations! Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th 10:30am – 6pm Steelworkers’ Hall (25 Cecil Street) (click here for map)   There will be a great selection …

Jalil’s Official Statement on Being Denied Parole

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters: As many of you have learned, I was interviewed on June 21, 2016 by the parole board for the ninth time. On June 27, 2016, I received their decision (attached) denying my release, basically reiterating all that has been said the previous eight times I …