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K. Kersplebedeb

North American Anarchist Studies Network Conference 2018

WHERE: CEDA, 2515 Rue Delisle, MontrĂ©al, QC  WHEN: June 1-3, 10am-6pm FACEBOOK: The North American Anarchist Studies Network conference (NAASN) is intended to be a space where disciplinarity and resistance can converge on Turtle Island/”North America”, and is held in a different location throughout Turtle Island/”North America” each year. We’re …

Speculative Fiction, Resistance, and Social Change

WHEN: Thursday, May 24 at 7pm WHERE: Q-PIRG Concordia, 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Room 204 (Guy Metro) FACEBOOK: Speculative fiction has a long history of creating stories that challenge our assumptions about what is possible. Some say that this makes it a natural tool for aiding social justice movements. …

(May 19) Open the Borders! Refugees Welcome! Stop the Racist Far-Right!

OPEN THE BORDERS! REFUGEES WELCOME! STOP THE RACIST FAR-RIGHT! All out to the Canada-US Border at Roxham Road! Saturday, May 19, 2018, 11am-5pm At the Canada-US Border, 1 hour south of Montreal. Map:– BUSES are leaving from Montreal at 9:30am (sharp); to reserve a space, visit: – Download our POSTERS …

La Grande Foire du Livre et des Mouvements Sociaux

[FR/ENG] Dans le cadre de la confĂ©rence internationale de la Grande Transition, vous ĂŞtes conviĂ©s Ă  La Grande Foire du Livre et des Mouvements Sociaux qui se tiendra dans le CĹ“ur des sciences de l’UQĂ€M. / As part of the international conference The Great Transition, you are invited to The …

The Global Perspective: Reflections on Imperialism and Resistance

In the 1970s and 80s, Torkil Lauesen was a member of a clandestine communist cell which carried out a series of robberies in Denmark, netting very large sums which were then sent on to various national liberation movements in the Third World. Following their capture in 1989, Torkil would spend six years in …

Welcome Home Herman Bell!

On Friday, April 27, Herman Bell, a 70-year-old respected elder, was released after serving nearly 45 years in prison. Herman was one of thousands of incarcerated older people who was repeatedly denied parole for over a decade after completing his minimum sentence. His release is a result of important and …

Montreal Anarchist Bookfair: May 26 & 27, 2018

Mark your calendars … MONTREAL ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR 2018 Two days: Saturday, May 26 & Sunday, May 27 From 10am to 5pm on both days The Anarchist Bookfair will take place in two buildings across from each other in Parc Vinet: – Centre d’éducation populaire de la Petite-Bourgogne et de St-Henri (CEDA), 2515 rue Delisle …

Le Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal: les 26 et 27 mai 2018

PrĂ©parez vos calendriers … LE SALON DU LIVRE ANARCHISTE DE MONTRÉAL 2018 Deux journĂ©es : samedi le 26 mai et dimanche le 27 mai De 10h Ă  17h les deux jours Le Salon du livre anarchiste se tiendra dans deux bâtiments situĂ©s l’un en face de l’autre autour du Parc …