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Direct Action: Interview with Ann Hansen

Direct Action Ann Hansen, in conversation with Peter Steven of Between the Lines Press, 2001   available from Peter Steven: Direct Action is a book about radical politics that might seem uncomfortably close to advocating violence. Given the events of September 11 in the U.S. what are your thoughts …

2002 Political Prisoner & Prisoner of War Calendar

Time Enough 2002 Political Prisoner/Prisoner of War Calendar     This calendar proves that revolutionaries can produce material which is both radical and beautiful, without skimping on quality in any way. With colour splashed all over every page, and radical victories to commemorate and defeats to avenge found in every …

PP/POW Calendar 2003

FREEDOM FOR POLITICAL PRISONERS AND PRISONERS OF WAR CALENDAR for 2003 FOCUSING ON: Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War in Canada and the United States. Both countries officially deny that they have political prisoners, just as the South African government claimed that Nelson Mandela was not a prisoner of war …

Antifa Forum

Antifa Forum     Anti-Fascist Forum is a militant anti-fascist infogroup based in North America. It publishes a sporadic magazine, Antifa Forum, as well as an e-zine, the Anti-Fascist Info-Bulletin.     If this is the only thing you are getting from Kersplebedeb, I would suggest that you order it directly from …

Khalil Ali Reviews AIDS Conspiracy Theories

Khalil Ali Reviews AIDS Conspiracy Theories Comrade, after a review of the “AIDS conspiracy” pamphlet by David Gilbert, and particularly the 2nd half, i find the pamphlet to be very impressive and enlightening, i.e. the “quick bleach method for sterilizing needles and syringes” being ineffective, the “Real Genocide” (preventable deaths) …

Charles Sims Africa Reviews AIDS Conspiracy Theories

Charles Sims Africa Reviews AIDS Conspiracy Theories I received the pamphlet, AIDS Conspiracy? Tracking the Real Genocide! I think it was very good information, and the point (tracking the Real Genocide) can be applied in numerous other situations where brothers tend to get caught up in “conspiracy theories” as a …

Albert Nuh Washington Reviews AIDS Conspiracy Theories

Albert Nuh Washington Reviews AIDS Conspiracy Theories You Should Read This. AIDS Conspiracy? Tracking the Real Genocide by David Gilbert should be read by everyone who calls themselves revolutionary in particular and concerned people in general. This paper to the best of my knowledge is the first to address why …