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Is China an Imperialist Country?

Whether or not China is now a capitalist-imperialist country is an issue on which there is some considerable disagreement, even within the revolutionary left. This book brings together theoretical, definitional and logical considerations, as well as the extensive empirical evidence which is now available, to demonstrate that China has indeed …

Neocolonialism and Noise

  The world has changed over the past fifty years. There are different names for this change — neoliberalism, postmodernism, postfordism, globalization. The term i prefer to use is “neocolonialism”. But despite this clear reference to one specific thing — colonialism, the relationship between oppressor and oppressed nations, which i …

Rally and Hearing for Deepan in Montreal!

(/français ci-dessous/) Rally and Hearing for Deepan in Montreal! Monday, 13 July, 8am Immigration and Refugee Board, Guy Favreau Complex (200 RenĂ© LĂ©vesque Blvd.), Montreal Deepan Budlakoti, our comrade and friend, will soon be in Montreal to challenge his conditions of release at the Immigration and Refugee Board. Deepan …

Losing My Religion (by André Moncourt)

Recently one of those issues that arises constantly to tangle up leftists and liberals reared its head in my little world.  Some folks (all of European decent) in a band I know were in the studio and someone proposed using an aburukuwa, a Ghanian drum, I am told, to get …

Autonomedia Books via Leftwingbooks.NET

Autonomedia described itself as “an autonomous zone for arts radicals in both old and new media. We publish books on radical media, politics and the arts that seek to transcend party lines, bottom lines and straight lines.” For years a wonderful source of books at the intersection of autonomous Marxism, feminism, and …

Interesting (online) Things i have read recently

Stalinist caterpillar into libertarian butterfly? – The evolving ideology of the PKK, by Alex de Jong, International Viewpoint, March 11, 2015 What kind of Kurdistan for women? (+ video), by Dilar Dirik, Links Oct. 20 2014 The Women’s Revolution in Rojava: Defeating Fascism by Constructing an Alternative Society, by Dilar Dirik, April …

Eurocentrism and the Communist Movement

Robert Biel’s Eurocentrism and the Communist Movement traces the history of Eurocentric — and anti-Eurocentric — currents in the Marxist-Leninist tradition, arguing that this distortion was key to the development and spread of revisionism, and ultimately to the failures of the communist project, in the 20th century. A work of …

Gender and Capitalism in China Today, a Discussion in Montreal

On May 7th, join us for a discussion of the role gender plays in workers’ exploitation and resistance in contemporary China, looking specifically at changes in the appearance of the oppression of female workers between the socialist period and the capitalist restoration, as well as issues facing migrant female workers under …

Daring to Struggle, @ UQAM

RESPECT to the strike defenders at UQAM and their allies. It was a full-day battle today (April 8), from early morning till late night. I only observed first-hand the crescendo tonite, after the intervention of what was clearly over 100+ riot police, backed up by bike cops, at the Da …