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Jailbreak Out of History, Second Edition

In Jailbreak Out of History, revolutionary Amazon theorist Butch Lee shows how the anticolonial struggles of New Afrikan/Black women were central to the unfolding of 19th century amerika, both during and “after” slavery. The book’s title essay, “The Re-Biography of Harriet Tubman”, recounts the life and politics of Harriet Tubman, …

Divided World Divided Class: Global Political Economy and the Stratification of Labour Under Capitalism, Second Edition

Divided World Divided Class charts the history of the ‘labour aristocracy’ in the capitalist world system, from its roots in colonialism to its birth and eventual maturation into a full-fledged middle class in the age of imperialism. It argues that pervasive national, racial and cultural chauvinism in the core capitalist …

Victory! Shaka Zulu Transferred!

Comrades and those who are fast becoming Comrades – We have a victory! Our enemy buckled under the People Power you sent there way. We in NABPP-PC say that unity passes through struggle. Hopefully these last 60 days brought you all closer to realizing that the Power of the People …

Fire the Cops! A Book Review

Written by Ben Turk, published January 6, 2015, on Toward Freedom Last month Ferguson burned. Amidst the images of flames, teargas and blockages, there were as many people with cameras and cell phones as signs or molotovs. Everyone seemed to recognize the significance of these events, but there are many …

Interview with an Antifascist Prisoner in Sweden

Joel is an antifascist prisoner in Sweden. In July 2014, he was sentenced to five and a half years in prison for attempted murder, violent disorder, and carrying an illegal weapon. The sentence followed a collective defense against a Nazi attack on an antifascist demonstration in Stockholm. The interview was …

The “Gag Mumia” Law

On Tuesday, October 21st, Pennsylvania Governor Corbett signed into law the “Revictimization Relief Act”, which will allow prosecutors and victims of a violent crime to sue the offender for “conduct which perpetuates the continuing effect of the crime on the victim.” The law went into effect immediately. This legal assault in …

Goddard Commencement Speech by Mumia Abu-Jamal

Goddard College in Vermont made headlines this year when it invited political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal to deliver its commencement speech for new students, on October 5. As this invitation, and right-wing anger at Mumia for his audacity in remaining alive and unbowed after decades in prison, occasioned a new piece …