Paranoia as Aesthetic – Kristian Williams (Three Way Fight)

This article is re-posted from Three Way Fight. Antifa had quite a summer: First, jetting around the country, stoking unrest and attacking police in dozens of cities simultaneously; then, moving by tour bus through the countryside to burn and loot small towns, only to be turned back by the armed …

NYC-ABC PP/POW updates Nov. 3, 2020

NOTE: If you send the updates to Kojo Bomani Sababu, his address has changed as USP Canaan has shifted to a privatized mail service: Kojo Bomani Sababu* #39384-066 USP Canaan Smart Communications Post Office Box 30 Pinellas Park, Florida Ā 33781 *Address envelope to Grailing Brown. Here’s the latest compilation of …

Ā Resist the Reincarceration of Jalil Muntaqim!

Monroe County District Attorney Attempts to Reincarcerate a Respected Elder [recovering from COVID-19] on Fabricated Charges Jalil Muntaqim, former Black Panther and respected elder, was recently released after nearly 50 years in prison The NYS Board of Parole, in his 14th hearing, interviewed him at length and determined that he …

Oct 31: Demonstration in Solidarity with Dollarama Warehouse Workers

DOLLARAMA WAREHOUSE WORKER SOLIDARITY DEMONSTRATION We are not temps! We are essential! Join the demonstration in front of a Dollarama store to fight for: PERMANENT JOBS FOR ESSENTIAL WORKERS! Saturday October 31st, 1pm to 3pm Next to Dollarama store 7017 St Hubert street-South of Jean-Talon (Jean-Talon metro) Since the beginning …

NYC-ABC PP/POW updates Oct. 20, 2020

PDF: NYC Anarchist Black Cross Political Prisoner/Prisoner of War updates, Oct. 20, 2020. One part of NYC ABCā€˜s every-other-week Political Prisoner Letter-Writing event is presenting updates and announcements. These typically relate to or are written by PPs and/or POWs. Since February 2011, they’ve been printing and mailing hard copies of …

kites: a journal of communist theory and strategy #2 (October 2020)

The second issue (Oct. 2020) of this communist journal is now available from — the following is taken from its opening editorialĀ [“Nothing is hard if we dare to scale the heights”]: Revolutionary philosophy, strategy, and politics are difficult to come by in North America today. While the member organizations …

Solidarity Action Day with 1492 Landback Lane and All Indigenous-Led Land Defending Demonstrations Across Turtle Island

Official Facebook event: SOLIDARITY ACTION DAY WITH 1492 LANDBACK LANE AND ALL INDIGENOUS-LED LAND DEFENDING DEMONSTRATIONS ACROSS TURTLE ISLAND Where ? Wolf Park (St-Urbain x Maisonneuve) When ? October 9th, from 1-7pm What ? As part of the Day of Action called by Land Defenders at Six Nations a …