The Global Perspective

Torkil Lausen Interviewed on

Torkil Lauesen is a longtime anti-imperialist activist and writer living in Denmark. From 1970 to 1989, he was full-time member of a communist anti-imperialist group, supporting Third World liberation movements by both legal and illegal means — while members lived modest lives, over a period of almost two decades they …

Jericho Update on Jalil Muntaqim

For months, public health experts, faith leaders, Congress members, and hundreds of others have warned NYS officials that the prisons are potential death traps in the COVID-19 pandemic. Recognizing this, a New York State judge on April 27th ordered Jalil’s temporary release from Sullivan Correctional Facility in Fallsburg, NY, based …

Justice for George Floyd (Minneapolis), Regis Korchinski-Paquet (Toronto), Tony McDade (Tallahassee) Breonna Taylor (Louisville), and ALL victims of police impunity

Justice pour George Floyd (Minneapolis), Regis Korchinski-Paquet (Toronto), Tony McDade (Tallahassee), Breonna Taylor (Louisville) et TOUTES les victimes de l’impunitĂ© policière Manifestation de solidaritĂ© de MontrĂ©al Dimanche 31 mai, 17 h au quartier gĂ©nĂ©ral de la police de MontrĂ©al 1441 St-Urbain (entre de Maisonneuve et Ste-Catherine) fb: /// /// …


Join us for this year’s Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, Sunday, May 17, 2020, connecting ideas across distance from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT. It will feature online tabling and special deals from anarchist publishers/artists, Art and Anarchy street art on physical walls in various cities, and online workshops, talks, and chat rooms. We’ll also be …

The Communist Necessity, 2nd Edition

“There was a time when we proclaimed that we were part of a beautiful and fragmented chaos of affinity groups, conflicted organizations, disorganized rebels, all of whom were somehow part of the same social movement that was greater than the sum of its parts. We were more accurately a disorganized …

April 25 COVID News

The following COVID-19 resources may be useful to many of you; if you know of similar resources not on this list, send me an email and let me know. i will be sending out regular newsletters updating this list and containing links to new information and perspectives that i find …

April 26: Multi-City Caravan Against Imprisonment

Sunday, April 26 12pm – 5pm est (depending on time zones) facebook: On Sunday April 26, migrant justice & prison justice groups from coast to coast will again be coming together to demand the immediate release of everyone still being held inside Canada’s prisons, jails, and migrant detention centres as …

26 avril: La caravan multi-villes contre l’emprisonnement

26 avril 12h – 17h (diff. Fuseaux horaires) facebook: Dimanche le 26 avril, les groupes pour la justice carcĂ©rale et en immigration d’un ocĂ©an Ă  l’autre s’allieront Ă  nouveau pour demander la libĂ©ration immĂ©diate de toute personne dĂ©tenue dans une prison ou un centre de dĂ©tention des personnes migrantes, demandant …

April 17 COVID News

The following COVID-19 resources may be useful to many of you; if you know of similar resources not on this list, send me an email and let me know. i will be sending out regular newsletters updating this list and containing links to new information and perspectives that i find …