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K. Kersplebedeb

The Lockdown Showed How the Economy Exploits Women, She Already Knew: Silvia Federici has been warning of what happens when we undervalue domestic labor for decades

article by Jordan Kisner, mirrored from New York Times Feb. 17, 2021 books by Silvia Federici available at Prospect Park in May is a commotion of beauty: meadows and dense rambles, hills and hollows, everything covered in chokeberries, spicebush, violets, flowering hawthorns, magnolias and lindens. In this splendor the birds …

Re-Build! Vol. 2 #2 is Now Available Online!

The Rebuild Collective is a New Afrikan Independence Movement Formation founded by New Afrikan Nationalists inspired by the thought of Movement theoretician Atiba Shanna and committed to winning the struggle for Independence and Socialism. The Rebuild Collective maintains a website with a  number of important New Afrikan Independence Movement documents and links to related works and websites, and …

Rassemblement et vigile En souvenir des victimes du massacre de la grande mosquée de Québec Dénonçons l’islamophobie et le racisme // Vigil and Gathering Remember the Victims of the Quebec City Mosque Massacre

*29 janvier 4 ans dĂ©jĂ !* *Rassemblement et vigile En souvenir des victimes du massacre de la grande mosquĂ©e de QuĂ©bec DĂ©nonçons l’islamophobie et le racisme VENDREDI 29 JANVIER, 17h Ă  18h Station de mĂ©tro Parc (au coin des rues Jean-Talon et Parc) – MONTRÉAL* /// *Vigil and Gathering Remember the …

Broken windows fascism (ThreeWayFight)

1. When Donald Trump was first running for president in 2015-16, a lot of alt-rightists supported him not because they thought he could win, but because they hoped he would help destroy the Republican Party. He hasn’t quite done that, but he has created a serious crisis within the party, …

2021 Is Here, So Is Our New Year’s Book Sale!

The New Year, of course, comes with a New Year’s Sale at A new calendar year always makes me aware of all the things that are unknown about the future, but 2021 even more so than most. One of the goals of this book project it to help facilitate the …

A Few New Titles to Start the New Year

Three new titles from PM Press just came in, which is a nice way to start the New Year! Ben Fletcher: The Life and Times of a Black Wobbly (Second Edition): In the early twentieth century, when many US unions disgracefully excluded black and Asian workers, the Industrial Workers of the …

Ecological Leninism: Friend or Foe? by Gabriel Kuhn

A joint review by Gabriel Kuhn of Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency: War Communism in the Twenty-First Century (Verso, 2020) and How to Blow up a Pipeline (Verso, 2021) by Andreas Malm, both of which are distributed by This review first appeared on Kuhn’s new website   Andreas Malm first received wider recognition …

Torkil Lauesen Interviewed on Manifestering Podcast

Torkil Lauesen, author of The Global Perspective and The Principal Contradiction, was recently interviewed by the Manifestering podcast.  The discussion touches on contemporary and historical Maoism in Western Europe and North America, the principal contradictions in the capitalist world system, the prospects for neoliberalism under Biden, and much more. Check it …

End of Year Sale at Leftwingbooks.Net!

What can we say about 2020, that has not already been said? Whether you need some distraction or are looking for ways to understand the meltdown which is contemporary reality, interested in finding self-care or a weapon to bring to the fight, or just hoping to learn from history in …