September’s New Books at

Fall is here, and while we are missing our annual tabling routine, we are still getting more books, which are available for free delivery in Montreal, or free delivery for orders of $50 or more anywhere in North America. Our most recent arrivals are from Common Notions, but we also …

[english below] JOURNÉE PAN-CANADIENNE POUR UN STATUT POUR TOUS ET TOUTES Vous vivez sans statut permanent ? Tout le monde a le droit Ă  un statut permanent et Ă  une vie de dignitĂ© et de paix pour eux et elles-mĂȘmes, et leurs enfants ! Joignez-vous Ă  nous ! Soyons ensemble …

Peter Thiel Met With The Racist Fringe As He Went All In On Trump (repost)

The venture capitalist and Facebook board member staked his reputation on a Trump presidency. Now what does he have to show for it? Four years ago, billionaire venture capitalist and Facebook board member Peter Thiel made one of his biggest bets: He went all in on Donald Trump. Read the …

Orisanmi Burton on the Revolutionaries Organizing Inside Attica Before the Rebellion

From the “Prison Activism and the Organizing Tradition” panel at the Making and Unmaking Mass Incarceration Conference, Dec 5th, 2019. The panel also featured Dan Berger, Steven “Stevie” Wilson, Zoharah Simmons, Darren Mack, and Jessica Wilkerson. The full transcript from this and other sessions available at Orisanmi Burton: Free Leonard Peltier. …

Fighting for a Hand to Hold: Confronting Medical Colonialism against Indigenous Children in Canada, by Samir Shaheen-Hussain

An exploration of anti-Indigenous systemic racism in Canadian health care, medical violence inflicted upon Indigenous children, and the medical establishment’s role in colonial genocide. Launched by healthcare providers in January 2018, the #aHand2Hold campaign confronted the Quebec government’s practice of separating children from their families during medical evacuation airlifts, which …

Sept 22: Confronting Medical Violence: Conversations to Decolonize Healthcare

This panel will discuss the history and ongoing medical colonialism that perpetuates anti-Indigenous racism in healthcare About this Event Fighting for A Hand to Hold exposes the Canadian medical establishment’s role in the displacement, colonization, and genocide of Indigenous Peoples — colonial genocide. Through meticulously gathered government documentation, historical scholarship, …

New AK Press Arrivals at

Anarcho-Blackness: Notes Toward a Black Anarchism Author: Marquis Bey Format: Paperback Size: 96 pages ISBN: 9781849353755 Publisher: AK Press   For Workers’ Power The Selected Writings of Maurice Brinton, Second Edition Author: Maurice Brinton Editor: David Goodway Format: Paperback Size: 440 pages ISBN: 9781849353830 Publisher: AK Press   Resist Everything …

Pathfinder Press and Black Rose Books Now Available at

We are happy to announce that books from two new publishers are now available from Black Rose Books and Pathfinder Press. You can check out some of their titles here: Black Rose Books:    the bove titles are all on special during our September sale; see more at …

September Sale at!

Fall is approaching, and while we love the winter it is bitersweet as normally we would be gearing up to table at various conferences, universities, and bookfairs. Not this year! We miss seeing you all in person, but we are still able to send you books one way or another. …